Sunday, August 22, 2010

And so it Begins...

This week, we will officially begin our homeschooling. My youngest child(9) starts school on Wednesday and so I plan to start working with my 2 homeschoolers that same day. Their classes with the homeschool group won't start until after Labor Day, but they both have required reading they have to read prior to the first day of class. My oldest son(almost 15) is currently reading "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and my daughter(12)will begin reading "Red Scarf Girl" this week. My son will be studying the Civil War for the first half of the school year. My daughter will be learning about the constitution. I've been re-reading their reading lists and I am impressed by the amount of information they will be learning in each class. They will each be doing quite a bit of reading this school year and I honestly feel that is a very GOOD thing. I'm excited to get my hands on their course books to see what kind of information is in those as well.

This week, we will ease into our schedule. I will establish a routine and hopefully they will follow this routine and do what is needed to complete their assignments. My daughter is very excited to begin her home-learning program. So much so, she's already done a few pages in her language arts book! My son seems to be excited as well. I am proud of him for getting half way through "Uncle Tom's Cabin" eventhough I know it is not a book he would normally choose to read. :) It's been fun to hear him tell us what is happening in the book and what he thinks about it! I hope his sister will show the same excitement when reading her book. :)


  1. This sounds wonderful, Angie!! Praying for you as you begin this new endeavor...patience, wisdom and strength for mama! You inspire me, friend.

  2. Thanks Krista! You are so sweet to say such kind things! I have high hopes for this school year! A few things are left unraveled at the moment and I am a tad nervous, but I am holding on believing in the end, it will work it's self out. :)
